Thank you for attending our ‘packed’ lunchtime meeting today. Those of you who were unable to attend have the opportunity to come along on Friday 27 September at 12 noon to the Council Chamber. We strongly advise you to come along and find out the council’s latest proposals and make your voice heard before it is too late!
If you work at a school then we are currently organising meetings especially for you which will begin near the beginning of October and they will take place after the end of the school day at a local venue in your area.
If your colleagues have not received this email, please ask them to contact the branch office: or 01332 643216/217 and we’ll amend their membership record.
If your colleagues are not already UNISON members then we urge them to join a union. If they wish they can join UNISON online at or to pay subscriptions through their salary, they can contact the branch office to request a membership pack.