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National Delegate Conference 2017 Blog – Day 3 – Afternoon Session

Maureen Le Marinel former president of UNISON is chairing this afternoons session and welcomed everyone back to conference.

Motion “Media Portrayal of Older People” discussions continued and the motion was passed.

Standing order committee have reported back with report seven, two orders have been questioned and are being referenced back to the SOC.

Amendments to rules and schedules were now discussed and the following amendments were brought to conference. You can read more about the rule amendments in the conference document below…

Rule C – “Becoming a member” this adds an amendment that ensures that membership with the union commences as soon as details are submitted online when joining. this amendment was approved.

Rule M – “Data Protection Act Policy” this amendment asked for reference to the Data Protection Officer, and that referral to the Data Protection Officer must be made for a data protection request. This was approved.

Rule D – “Structure of the Union at National Level” this amendment allows for two young members to be elected on to the NEC (National Executive Council). this amendment was approved.

Now we return to discussions on Motions and the first one is “EU Exit – Protecting the Northern Ireland Peace Process” speakers on this motion gave emotional accounts of the current situation in Northern Ireland. this motion was carried.

“The Great Repeal Bill – Protecting Devolution” was next motion to be discussed more detail of this can be read in the conference document above. This motion was passed without the amendment 74.2 was lost.

The next motion “Exiting the EU –  A Fair Deal for Workers and Public Services” this was debated in depth with five amendments put forward. there were cases for and against these amendments and lengthy discussions were held. This amendment was passed with all amendments.

Discussions now take place on Composite F “EU Exit and Workers’ Rights”, this contains a collection of motions to be considered together. you can read this here….

This Composite was passed.





Now discussions continue to discuss Motion “Immigration and the effects of the EU Referendum and the Brexit Vote” this had personal accounts on the issues that maybe faced. You can read this in more detail by looking at the conference document above. This motion was passed.

Composite B – Pensions and Climate Change – more details of this can be read in the composite booklet above, this composite was carried.

This concludes todays conference and we will see Jeremy Corbyn Leader of the Labour Party addressing conference tomorrow so stay tuned for an update on his speech and the last day of conference tomorrow.

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