We now hear from international Speaker Julia Ehrt Executive Director of ILGA – the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association
You can find out more about ILGA and what they do here click on the image below…
Below is some interesting information around current sexual orientation laws across the world that ILGA have put together, click on the image to view this in more detail.
Here is a short video on the last ILGA conference for you to watch.
We now have the moving of the campaigning section of the Annual Report you can read this section below.
The first motion to be discussed in this section is Motion 14 – Immediate Ban on all forms of Conversion Therapy this motion was carried as amended
We now hear the SOC report 3 as a verbal report and this was carried.
We now discuss Motion 16 – Combatting Anti-Trans Narrative in the Media and Amendment, amendment 16.1 has fallen so will not be carried, the Motion now not as amended was carried as 16.
We now discuss motion 20 – Defend Disabled and LGBT+ Rights Won Through the Human Rights this motion was carried
Motion 15 – Ban Conversion Therapy Now! this motion is now being discussed and has now been carried
Jackie lewis has now been presented with a lifetime achievement award and there was a standing ovation for her and the work she has put in over all of her years.
This Concludes todays session with more coverage for tomorrows final day of conference.
This years conference starts with the a welcome to all at conference and the moving of the Standing Orders Committee Report Number 2. there was also a minutes silence held to remember those we have sadly lost over the past year.
We now hear the moving of this years Annual Report, you can read this below it contains information of what all regions have been unto over the past year and the aims and objectives of the LGBT+ Committee.
We now move to discussions on the motions these are as follows
‘Motions are your way to influence UNISON, to shape and change policy, sometimes a grassroots motion from a branch, drafted by a single member, can lead to historic changes to our campaigning and policy agenda. ‘
More information on how to write a motion can be found here (click on the image below)
This years LGBT+ Conference. motions can be found in the final agenda below
The first motion to be discussed was Motion 4 – In Support of Gender Neutral Toilets and Changing Facilities, this motion was carried with amendments 4.1 and 4.2.
Motion 1 – Negotiating Trans Equality with Employers – this was carried
Motion 2 – LGBT+ Hate Crime was next to be discussed we hear personal accounts of hate crime that some of our delegates have been subjected to and shows how important support and protection is important to LGBT+ members.
If anyone is subjected to hate crime and requires support, a useful charity is GALOP this charity is the UK’s LGBT+ anti-abuse charity. They work with and for LGBT+ victims and survivors of interpersonal abuse and violence. You can find more information below by clicking on the image
Motion 3 – Equality and Diversity and Inclusion Speeding Ticket Scheme is now being discussed and has been carried.
We now hear from UNISONs General Secretary Christina Mcanea who speaks on what has been happening recently nationally and the current political situation faced by the country.
Christina talked about the launch of the new UNISON updated trans inclusion policy and mentioned the current industrial action for NHS Staff and encourages all to make sure you use your vote. Christina went on to say how committed she is to LGBT+ workers and being a Trans Ally.
You can hear more about the NHS Industrial action from this recent rally below, watch now.
Heat the moving of the International Section of the Annual Report
And we now discuss motion 22 Rwanda and LGBT+ Asylum was discussed and carried as amended
Motion 17 – Support for LGBT+ Communities in Ukraine is now being moved this was carried.
Motion 21 – Solidarity with Ghana’s LGBT+ Community this motion was discussed and carried
We now hear a panel debate for Trans Equality is UNISON Business this was a very good debate covering lots of issues affecting Trans people and the issues they face and what UNISON is doing to campaign on this and support its members with Trans Ally training and more.
You can read more about the campaign by clicking on the image below…
You can also read below the latest issue of Outin UNISON
This concludes this mornings session of this years conference, keep an eye out for this afternoons update. We hope you have found this useful. Time for Inclusive Education (TIE) has been announced as this years chosen charity for the bucket collection. You can find out more about this charity below.
This mornings session begins with debating on motions to be put forward to National Delegate Conference to be held next year. NDC1 and NDC2 were agreed to be put forward to next years conference, (you can read more about these motions by clicking here)
Kath Owen UNISON Vice President addresses conference, Kath announced a National online activists meeting, discussed how cuts to specialist services is having a big negative impact to our members.
Following this speech we move onto discussing motions in the Campaigning and Promoting UNISON Section this covers
The first section was for the Hub of Hope this is a useful service for anyone to find support local to those seeking it. you can click on the image below to go to the website.
Then motions were discussed around;
Climate Change is a LGBT+ Issue
The UK Policing Bill: an infringement of LGBT+ Rights
The Future of Adult Social Care for LGBT+ People
Response to Racism and LGBT+ Phobia in Mental Health Services
Poor Provision of Healthcare for Trans People
This was the last debate on Motions for this conference any non discussed motions will be passed to the next LGBT+ committee meeting.
Next the Digital Organising Awards were presented by Andrea Egan UNISON Vice President and the winners were joint –
North West regions
Northern Ireland LGBT+Unison Group
Following this a special presentation was made to Carol Mahwood for her endless work for the LGBT+ work in UNISON
Special mention to Carola Towle special thanks to all the work she has done for LGBT+ work and equalities, she will be retiring next year and this is her last Unison LGBT+ Conference.
This year the bucket collection is virtual and all are asked to donate to Mermaids. Mermaids has been supporting transgender, nonbinary and gender-diverse children, young people, and their families since 1995. you can donate by clicking here https://mermaidsuk.org.uk
This brings the Conference to a close for this year I hope you have found this blog useful and find something that you can take away with you.