Derby City Council Derby Homes News Newsletter UNISON

Important Branch Update – 27 January 2016

Here is our latest update, included in this is an update on Dismissal and Re-engagement and details of the move to our New Offices.

Dismissal & Re-engagement Update

27.1.16 UpdateThe employer has sought to vary your contract of employment in order to change your terms and conditions, this has nothing to do with the equal pay legislation or the outcomes of the equal pay review. The consultation meetings you attended or been invited to are to consult with you over the changes to your terms and conditions and to try and get you to individually agree to sign the variation of contract and therefore changing your terms and conditions. You are not signing to accept a change in your pay.

The changes to the terms and conditions for non-school staff which give rise for concern are the changes to the pay protection policy and appeals policy. The pay protection policy as of the 1st of June 2016, which will apply to all changes in pay except those from the outcomes of pay review, will provide protection of 3 months, 6 months or 12 months (i.e. restructuring and redeployment).

UNISON’s advice is to not be coerced into signing and let the employer impose the changes to your contract by dismissing and reengaging you. This will protect your legal rights of employment.

Demonstration Derby City Council News Schools UNISON

Derby City School Support Staff – Demonstration Against Changes to T&Cs

Calling all Derby City School Support Staff

Assemble outside the Council House on

Wednesday 3 February at 5pm

T&C Demo 3.2.16Don’t be backed into a corner, make your voices heard!

Bring banners, whistles… anything to make your voices heard! Why not pick up a UNISON placard from our new branch office at Royal Oak House from 4:45pm. Representatives from each school will be going into the public gallery for the council meeting at 5:45pm, demo to finish at 6pm.


Derby City Council Derby Homes News Schools UNISON

UNISON Branch Office Move – Friday 22 January

We are moving office on Friday 22 January and therefore due to packing for the move we will have no access to emails or the office phones from 3.00 pm on Thursday 21 January.

Our telephone response will be limited on Friday but you will be able to leave a voicemail message on 01332 643216 and once we have the system up and running we will check for any messages.  Normal service will resume on Monday 25 January.

Altrnativley you can email us and we will be in touch as soon as possible

Our new office will be on the ground floor of Royal Oak House, Market Place, Derby, DE1 3BR.

We look forward to welcoming you there.