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Local Government Conference June 2024

We first receive both Standing orders committee report one was carried. Standing orders committee report two, there was references back made to this report which will feature in subsequent reports.  Both carried, these can be found here…

We firstly have the moving of the first part of the Annual Report 

Glen Williams , Chair, Local Government Service Group Executive, this report was received and carried. 

You can read this here…

We now move to the moving of Motions, the first motion to be discussed is; 

Motion 8 – Supporting and developing young members and activists within the UNISON Local Government Service Group. This Motion was carried

Motion 4 – Gender Pay Justice for Women – This Motion was carried

Composite A – Make 2024 the Year of the LGBT+ workers and embedding LGBT+ equality in Local Government – This Motion was carried

Motion 3 – Next steps for our work on the Disability Employement Charter – a bargaining approach – This Motion was carried

We now hear a speech from Cristina McAnea UNISON General Secretary

We then continue with discussions on motions 

Motion 41 – Workplace Violence – This Motion was carried

Motion 40 – Maternity pay in Local Government – This Motion was carried

Motion 38 – Erosion of T&Cs , Pay and protection – This Motion was carried

Motion 39 – Stop Charging disabled members to go to work – This Motion was carried

Motion 33 – Living Wage as part of a pay strategy – This Motion was Lost 

Motion 35 – Demand that councils and other NJC employers recompense staff who have overpaid tax and NI due to lump-sum backpay form pay awards, and avoid future overpayments/impacts on benefits. – This Motion was carried

Motion 37 – Car allowance rates as part of our national pay negotiations – This Motion was carried

Motion 42 – Food Standards Agency – Pay, Terms & Conditions – This Motion was carried

Motion 6 – Black Social Workers face disproportional disciplinary and capability procedures – This Motion was carried

Motion 7 – Council Bankruptcy and its Impact on Black Workers – This Motion will roll over to order of business on Monday. 

Monday Session 

We now move to Standing Orders Committee Report No3, there has been references back being made these will be reported back in subsequent reports.

We now move to the moving of motions these start with Composite C – End the collapse of Local Government and renew the call for fair funding to a New Government – this motion was carried. 

Motion 30 – Pay and Funding in Local Government – this motion was carried as amended 

Motion 32 – Cuts in domestic violence services – this motion was carried as amended 

We now receive a guest speaker – Sue Sanders CEO Schools Out, Co-Founder LGBT+ History Month UK. 

You can see Sue in action in the below Ted Talk Video.

Following this very informative speech we then continue motions and we hear about Motion 45  – Government Meddling / coercion in the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS)

Now for Composite D – Defending and improving our Pensions – this motion has been carried 

We now hear from the International Speaker Lina Monitilla Diaz, from Central Unitaria de Trabajdores (CUT)

We now hear the final standing orders report number 4.

We now move to the Education and Children’s Services (Section 4) of the annual report. 

Motion 20 – Further Education and Pay is now being moved and this was carried.  

Motion 13 – Insource Children’s Trust  – this motion was carried 

Motion 15 – A New negotiating body for school support staff – this motion was carried as amended 

During this motion Becky Everett your Branch Secretary spoke in support of this motion, you can watch her speech below…

Motion 23 – Organising in Education – this motion was carried

Composite B – Crisis in our Schools, School Support Staff need our support – this motion was carried 

Motion 19 – Preventing Violence Against School Staff – this motion was carried

Motion 22 – Organising outsourced workers in the college sector – this Motion was carried 

Motion 21 – Improving stress levels in colleges – this motion was carried 

Motion 18 – Impact of OFSTED on Support Staff Must be Acknowledged – this motion was carried

Motion 5 – Tackling the exploitation of migrant workers –  this motion was carried as ammended

Any of the motions that weren’t discussed during the conference will be considered by the Local Government Service Group Executive at their next meeting. 

The motions are as follows

Motion 11 – A Real National Care Service

Motion 12 – Organising LGBT+ workers in social care 

Motion 9 – Defending our Social Workers

Motion 10 – Supporting the next generation of social workers

Motion 14 – A New Negotiating Body for Early Years Workers

Motion 24 – Cuts in Education and the Impact on Women & Children in Northern Ireland

Motion 28 – Real investment in Local Government before S:114 becomes the ‘new normal’

Motion 31 – Housing budget cuts

Motion 34 – NJC Pay Negotiations & Universal Credit: The Impact of Delays to Pay Negotiations on Low-Income Families 

Motion 36 – Campaign for a Pay and Grading Review

Motion 46 – Governmental meddling/coercion in the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS)

Motion 47 – Governmental Meddling/coercion in the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS)

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UNISON Local Government Service Group Conference 2023 – Afternoon Final Session – Day 2

We now return to conference and we hear a speech from Mehmet Bozgeyik, Co-President , The confederation of Public Employees’ Trade Unions (KESK), Turkey you can find out more about this Confederation below on their international Twitter account.

we now move on to the motion discussions of Social Care and the first is Motion 40 – Care Workers – this motion was carried

To view the motions you can read them in the below document…

We now discuss Motion 42 Council Provided Care – this motion was carried as amended 42.1

motion 43 – Caring for our Carers – this motion was carried

Motion 41 – Adult Social Care – this motion was carried

LGBT+ Bargaining Guide was raised at this point, you can find this here..

You can also find other bargaining guides here..

We now move onto the discussions of the motions around Recruitment and Organising, the first is Motion 38 – Improving Facility time for Local Government activists – This motion was carried

Motion 39 – Empowering our reps in the fight against outsourcing – this motion was carried – this motion was carried

Now the order of business has been completed we now move to the moving of motions that were previously prioritised but not moved yet.

Motion 24 – Building trans equality in local government – this motion was carried

please talk to you branch if you would like to take part in Trans Ally Training, you can also find this useful Trans Ally Guide…

Also mentioned is that today marks the Anniversary of shootings of the shootings in pulse Nightclub in Orlando.

Motion 27 – Fighting cuts to local services and protecting disabled workers jobs – this motion was carried

The 12 motions not moved at this conference will be passed back to the Local Government Service Group Executive to be moved and report its decisions in due course.

This concludes the Local Government Service Group Conference for this year, we hope you found these blog updates useful and we will return tomorrow with more updates from this years National Delegate Conference (NDC) 2023.

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UNISON Local Government Service Group Conference 2023 – Morning Session – Day 2

Welcome back to this years conference we begin with the moving of the Standing Orders Report 4, this sets out the business for todays conference session.

We first pause conference for a NJC (National Joint Council) photo call to show full support for the NJC Pay Ballot.

You can find out more about the NJC Pay Campaign and useful tools to use here…

We then move to the Debate of motions continuing from yesterdays motion. which was Motion 32 – Menopause awareness and support in Local Government, following emotional accounts of the struggles of those affected by menopause this was carried as amended 32.2.

The next section of the Annual Report 2023 is The Future of Local Government Funding and Cuts is moved by Matthew Egan. You can read the Annual Report here…

We Then move to the next motion, Motion 15 – Cuts and Funding – this motion was carried as amended 15.2

You can read about these Motions in the Conference guide here…

Motion 14 – Fighting for the Future of Local Government – this motion was carried

Motion 17 – Local Government Funding – a National Crisis – This motion was carried

Motion 16 – The Cost-of-living crisis and Local Government Workers – This Motion was Carried

Here is Jill Speaking on behalf of this motion, you can watch by clicking play below.

Emergency Motion 1 – is now being discussed and you can read this below – this motion was carried

This concludes the discussions of motions in this section, we now return to the remaining motions not reached on Sunday morning.

Motion 18 – Food Standards Agency – Pay, Terms and Conditions, is now being discussed – this motion was carried

We now receive a speech from Christina McAnea, General Secretary of Unison.

Cristina mentioned the Every Day Action Hero campaign you can read more in the article below.

Watch the campaign below.

Christina highlights how important the NJC Pay Ballot please make sure you use you opportunity to vote.

This concludes this session of the Local Government Conference 2023 and will be back for this afternoons session 2023.