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UNISON Local Government Service Group Conference 2023 – Afternoon Final Session – Day 2

We now return to conference and we hear a speech from Mehmet Bozgeyik, Co-President , The confederation of Public Employees’ Trade Unions (KESK), Turkey you can find out more about this Confederation below on their international Twitter account.

we now move on to the motion discussions of Social Care and the first is Motion 40 – Care Workers – this motion was carried

To view the motions you can read them in the below document…

We now discuss Motion 42 Council Provided Care – this motion was carried as amended 42.1

motion 43 – Caring for our Carers – this motion was carried

Motion 41 – Adult Social Care – this motion was carried

LGBT+ Bargaining Guide was raised at this point, you can find this here..

You can also find other bargaining guides here..

We now move onto the discussions of the motions around Recruitment and Organising, the first is Motion 38 – Improving Facility time for Local Government activists – This motion was carried

Motion 39 – Empowering our reps in the fight against outsourcing – this motion was carried – this motion was carried

Now the order of business has been completed we now move to the moving of motions that were previously prioritised but not moved yet.

Motion 24 – Building trans equality in local government – this motion was carried

please talk to you branch if you would like to take part in Trans Ally Training, you can also find this useful Trans Ally Guide…

Also mentioned is that today marks the Anniversary of shootings of the shootings in pulse Nightclub in Orlando.

Motion 27 – Fighting cuts to local services and protecting disabled workers jobs – this motion was carried

The 12 motions not moved at this conference will be passed back to the Local Government Service Group Executive to be moved and report its decisions in due course.

This concludes the Local Government Service Group Conference for this year, we hope you found these blog updates useful and we will return tomorrow with more updates from this years National Delegate Conference (NDC) 2023.

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