Archive Derby City Council UNISON

Terms and Conditions Update – Derby City Council Staff

This is to remind you that we are holding two meetings for our members next week:

Monday 4 November 12 – 1.00 pm

Friday 8 November 12.30 – 1.30 pm

Both in the Council Chamber, Council House, Derby

Please share this information with your colleagues.  Non-members will be given the opportunity to join UNISON if they wish to take part in the meeting. Alternatively you can join UNISON online using the link on the left hand side.

Archive Derby City Council UNISON

Job Evaluation update for Derby City Council Staff (Non schools)

We had another large turnout at last Friday’s meeting (27 September), the Council Chamber was full and with people standing and we thank you for showing your support by attending. If you need further advice please contact the office.

As you will be aware Derby City Council are evaluating all Green Book job posts which could lead to different pay grades.

The process should have been that each post holder fills out a job questionnaire but where there are groups of staff in the post then it is quite acceptable that one person might be nominated to fill out the questionnaire, as long as all post holders have input to the information that goes in to the questionnaire.

Also all post holders had the right to see their own job post questionnaire, before it was sent in to the evaluating panel.

UNISON would like to hear from anyone who feels this has not been the process in their workplace or in fact that they have never seen a job questionnaire for their post.

Contact the branch on either Contact us page or 01332 643216/217

Forthcoming meeting dates
Monday 14 October
12 – 1.00pm
Room 163, Middleton House,
27 St Mary’s Gate
Friday 18 October
12 – 1.00pm
Council Chamber, Council House, Corporation Street, Derby
Monday 4 November
12 – 1.00 pm
Council Chamber, Council House, Corporation Street, Derby
Friday 8 November
12.30 – 1.30pm
Council Chamber, Council House, Corporation Street, Derby

Archive Derby City Council Events UNISON Young Members

Recruit a Friend update

The Recruit a Friend initiative that has been running in the branch for some time has now come to an end with immediate effect.

Any member’s application form that is Recruit a Friend received up to today (27/09/2013) will be honoured.

If you have received a blue claim form and have not yet returned it, please send it back to us immediately – the dead line for receipt of your blue form to be received into the office is Friday 06 October 2013. Any form received after that will not be paid out.

Thank you to all who gained new members using this initiative – it was very successful. A replacement for the scheme will be discussed at the next Branch Committee meeting in a couple of weeks.