Campaigns Conferences Demonstration Derby City Council Derby Homes LGBT Local Government UNISON

Day 2 Local Govenment Conference – morning session

tmp_986-20160620_0932071350124235Today started and first order of business was the previous day’s emergency composite motion which ended with a card vote, due a equal split vote for and against the motion.

Now we move on to the Local Government Service Group Executive Annul Report and SOS Campaign and Cuts. Motions surrounding Youth Services and Youth Workers are now being discussed.

Now an International Speaker Jan Willem Goudriaan, General Secretary of the European Federation of Public Sector Unions. Talking about europe and where the uk fits in with this.

Other discussions were held around Local Government Finance & Protecting members jobs Through Income Generation, Crisis in Social Work, Defending Local Democracy and Local Government Jobs and Services, and Home Care Workers.

Conferences Derby City Council Derby Homes LGBT Local Government Newsletter Schools UNISON

Day 1 – Second Half Local Government Conference

Heather WakefieldMore discussions and debate have been held around Term Time Contracts and School Workers, it has been mentioned regularly throughout the day and is today’s hot topic. Now Heather Wakefield covers the Local Government Service Group Executive Annual Report. Next an update from Emma Procter on the Restructure of National Joint Council Green Book Pay Spine, bullying and young people is next on the agenda.

Emma ProcterThe current action in Derby has not been unnoticed by UNISON nationally which recognises the struggle the School Support Staff are currently facing.

Campaigns Conferences Demonstration Derby City Council Derby Homes LGBT Local Government News UNISON

Day 1 – Local Government Conference 2016

East Midlands Delegation meeting – 18 June 2016

Nicole Berrisford and Andy BelfieldNicole Berrisford and Andy belfield gave an update for the east midlands region and welcomed all delegates and new delegates to the local government conference.

The Standing orders comittee, sole responsibility is the conference planning, putting together the motions and making sure they fit in with UNISON’S core values.

Nicole covered the agenda of the conference, location of the east midlands delegates, any changes that have been made since the agenda has been distributed and explained that when the conference starts there will be a 1 minute silence for Jo Cox following the sad news of her murder.

Jeanette Lloyd healthy debates from the sdu meeting, and informed the group of the suggested decisions for the motions of the Local Government Conference.
Andy informed that this year there aren’t a lot of speakers and would like any to come forward as soon as possible to have their opinions. Any questions that were raised will be answered after the meeting

Nicole wished everyone a good conference and hope to see you passing through .

Initial meeting closed.