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NJC Pay Campaign update

Thank you to all of our members that have attended our pay meetings and the coffee and cake drop in session at the UNISON Branch Office.

In all of our meetings the message from you, our members, has been clear. The one per cent that has been offered as a pay increase is not good enough! You are worth better!!!

Inflation is running at two and a half per cent so the offer is a one and half per cent pay cut. This means for most, pay will be worth twenty per cent less than in 2010 – enough is enough.

UNISON Derby City Branch will aim to put on more members’ meetings and will be around in the Council House and as many other workplaces as we can over the next few weeks to talk to you. If you would like to request a visit then please let us know.

The pay ballot opens on 23 May and we urge you to vote and VOTE YES for strike action. The employer’s offer will not increase without real pressure on them. It’s never easy to take strike action and we never ask you unless it’s absolutely necessary. YOU are worth much more than this pay offer and so are those who rely on you. A strong yes vote will show the employers that we are prepared to defend our pay and send a message to the government that they can’t keep cutting local government and school services, pay and jobs unchallenged.

Our claim is affordable. The Employers will say they can’t afford to offer you a better pay rise because services would suffer and jobs disappear. But the cuts are long term – they’ve only just started. Taking another pay cut won’t save anyone’s job.

Public sector workers, especially in Local Government have taken the brunt of the Coalition Government’s austerity over the past 4 years and now that the Government is saying that economic prospects are improving UNISON is demanding that our hard working members are not left out.

In the meantime please fill out our short survey at:

If you have any questions then please contact the UNISON Office.

Please share this with your colleagues.

Archive UNISON

Pay Campaign Coffee Afternoon

Archive UNISON

NJC Pay: model letters and questions

Please use the below model letters to write to your local councillor, mp or prospective mep to ask for their support for UNISONs pay campaign. You can copy and paste the text or there is a link to a word version below each letter.


Model Text for Members Letter to Councillors on NJC Pay

Dear Councillor (give name)

I have lived in your local authority for (insert number of) years.  I am writing to ask you to support UNISON’s campaign for a fair pay rise for local government and school support workers.  UNISON is seeking an increase of at least £1 an hour for all the people like me who are keeping council services and schools running in the face of ongoing job and pay cuts.

The final pay offer from the Local Government Association (LGA) would give the majority of staff a pay increase of only 1%.  The pay of the lowest paid workers in local government is getting closer and closer to the National Minimum Wage, and hundreds of thousands of local government workers are paid below the Living Wage.

I am insulted by the LGA’s attitude to the local government workforce, which is now at an all time low.  Since 2010, I have had a three-year pay freeze and just a 1% increase last year.  That means my pay has fallen by 18% in real terms.  On top of that many of us have had unsocial hours pay, annual leave, sick pay and car allowances cut.  With food, fuel and travel costs going through the roof, I am in real financial hardship.  Local government cuts to pay mean that I can no longer …………………………………

Please do everything you can to get the council to put pressure on the LGA to make a decent pay offer and on government to fund it.  I understand that our pay claim comes at a time of unprecedented cuts in local government funding by central government.  But there are political choices that can be made.  Since 2010 the local government pay bill has reduced by 25% and council reserves have increased to £19 billion.  We are told that large reserves are needed for investment – some of this must be for investment in staff.

If I had £1 an hour extra, I would spend it locally.  This would give our local businesses a boost and help get the economy going too.  Research undertaken for my union shows that if local government workers were paid an extra £1 an hour, the extra income from higher tax and national insurance ‘take’ and reduction in benefit costs would mean a saving of £760 million for government.  If the Chancellor chose to do so, these savings could be re-cycled to councils to help pay for our claim.

I’m sure you will agree that your local council and school support workers are doing a great job.  But I feel that enough is enough, and that’s why I will be voting to take strike action.  We have shown our commitment to keeping our local services going against the odds.  I am now asking you to show your commitment to us.

As you know, there are local and European elections this month.  Councillors and MEPs will find it hard to get the support of local council and school support workers unless they do something now about the real hardship we face.

Please can you:

I am worth more than 1% because ……………………………………………………………………

Please help make our employers and government see that local government workers deserve better.

Right click here to download a word version of the above


Model Text for Members Letter to MPs and prospective MEPs on NJC Pay

Dear MP / MEP / Prospective MEP (delete this and insert name)

I have lived in your constituency for (insert number of) years.     I am writing to ask you to support UNISON’s campaign for a fair pay rise for local government and school support workers.     UNISON is seeking an increase of at least £1 an hour for all the people like me who are keeping council services and schools running in the face of ongoing job and pay cuts.

The final pay offer from the Local Government Association (LGA) would give the majority of staff a pay increase of only 1%.     The pay of the lowest paid workers in local government is getting closer and closer to the National Minimum Wage, and hundreds of thousands of local government workers are paid below the Living Wage.

I am insulted by the LGA’s attitude to the local government workforce, which is now at an all time low. Since 2010, I have had a three-year pay freeze and just a 1% increase last year.     That means my pay has fallen by 18% in real terms.     On top of that many of us have had unsocial hours pay, annual leave, sick pay and car allowances cut.     With food, fuel and travel costs going through the roof, I am in real financial hardship.     Local government cuts to pay mean that I can no longer …………………………………

Please lobby our council to get them to put pressure on the LGA to make a decent pay offer and on government to fund it.     I do understand that our pay claim comes at a time of unprecedented cuts in local government funding by central government. But there are political choices that can be made.     Since 2010 the local government pay bill has reduced by 25% and council reserves have increased to £19 billion.     We are told that large reserves are needed for investment – some of this must be for investment in staff.

If I had £1 an hour extra, I would spend it locally.     This would give our local businesses a boost and help get the economy going too. Research undertaken for my union shows that if local government workers were paid an extra £1 an hour, the extra income from higher tax and national insurance ‘take’ and reduction in benefit costs would mean a saving of £760 million for government.     If the Chancellor chose to do so, these savings could be re-cycled to councils to help pay for our claim.

I’m sure you will agree that your local council and school support workers are doing a great job.     But I feel that enough is enough, and that’s why I will be voting to take strike action.     We have shown our commitment to keeping our local services going against the odds. I am now asking you to show your commitment to us.

As you know, there are local and European elections this month.     Councillors and MEPs will find it hard to get the support of local council and school support workers unless they do something now about the real hardship we face.

Please can you:

I am worth more than 1% because ……………………………………………………………………

Please help make our employers and government see that local government workers deserve better.


Right click here to download a word version of the above


Questions for councillors, MPs and MEP candidates


  • Are you aware of the true state of low pay in local government? Hundreds of thousands of workers, mostly women, are paid below the Living Wage, and pay at the bottom end is getting closer and closer to the National Minimum Wage.


  • Did you know that we’re balloting for strike action on pay? Local government and school support workers’ pay has fallen by 18% in real terms since 2010 while they have worked hard to keep services running in the face of ongoing jobs and service cuts.     But now they feel that enough is enough.



  • Can you put pay on the agenda for your Group meeting, to have a proper debate with your fellow councillors, and invite your local UNISON branch to come along to speak?