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UNISON Local Government Conference 2022 – Afternoon Session Day 1

Session two begins with a speech to conference by Baroness Wilcox of Newport

You can watch more about Baroness Wilcox below…

We now re convene the discussions on the motion 14 Violence at work – its not part of the job -We hear important and heartfelt messages from members who this motion was now carried

We now hear the next part of the Annual Report for Local Government Finance and Service Delivery this report was carried

We now hear a discussion on the Composite Motion A – Climate Change in Local Government, we heard stories and accounts showing how climate change is something that is needed for Local Government bodies to make changes to protect our future this motion was carried. You can read more about the composite here…

Next motion 29 – End Misogyny and Violence Against Women is now being discussed and we hear personal accounts of issues and being faced by women, and the ask for members to ask to look into the measure in place at local government bodies to protect members and stop facing this in the future. This motion was carried.

During support for this motion there was reference made to the Sarah Everard case, learn more in the below video

Also the case into the MP who has been arrested on suspicion of Rape and sexual offences was talked about.

Motion 32 – Privatisation by the Back Door – this motion was carried

Motion 31 – A National Insourcing Strategy for Local Government – this motion was carried

Motion 33 – Beyond Covid – Building a Better Future- this motion was carried

Motion 28 – Covid-19 and the Continued Impact on Women Working in Local Government – this motion was carried

Motion 37 – Local Government Funding and Pay – this motion was carried

Motion 38 – Youth Service Cuts and Impact on Crime – this motion was carried

You can read more about these motions by clicking on the below image

This wraps up todays session for the Local Government Conference, look out for Day two updates tomorrow.

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